If your company conducts a United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona Workplace Giving Campaign, you can designate your payroll deductions to Cody’s Friends! All you have to do is enter “Cody’s Friends” in the “Other 501(c)(3) Agency” section of your enrollment form.
Here’s how you can help:
OPTION 1: Click here to donate online NOW and we will use your tax-deductible donation to buy food for pets in need. You can also send a check to:
Cody’s Friends
PO Box 36502
Tucson, AZ 85704
OPTION 2: Bring your pet food donation, any day, to one of our Cody’s Donation Station locations listed HERE. **We also take open bags of pet food as long as it’s in the original bag.
Cody’s Friends is a 501(c)(3) non-profit started by Cody Allen in 2011 when he was 10 years old. Cody’s Friends supports the crucial bond between human and animal welfare. Those in need will do all they can for their pet…even if it means feeding them their own food. Thousands of people in need in Pima County depend on Cody’s Friends for pet food. Plus over 48 human service agencies and 100+ animal rescue groups and shelters come to Cody’s Friends for pet food and supplies.
Cody’s Friends Proudly Supports:

Cody’s Friends is honored to be among only 24 chosen affiliates nationwide of the GreaterGood.org program, Rescue Bank.

“Cody really is awesome! It’s inspiring to see young people trying to make a difference at such a young age. Especially in this field where we see so many horrible things and sometimes forget that there are some out there who do care and will be there continuing to care when we are gone. So, thank you for all that you do and helping to make the world a better place little bits at a time!”
– Ryan Inama (Hermitage No-Kill Cat Shelter and Sanctuary)